=== WooCommerce Payments === Contributors: woocommerce, automattic Tags: woocommerce, payment, payment request, credit card, automattic Requires at least: 5.3 Tested up to: 5.6 Requires PHP: 7.0 Stable tag: 1.9.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Securely accept credit and debit cards on your site. Manage transactions without leaving your WordPress dashboard. Only with WooCommerce Payments. == Description == **Payments made simple, with no monthly fees – designed exclusively for WooCommerce stores.** Securely accept major credit and debit cards, and allow customers to pay you directly without leaving your WooCommerce store. View and manage transactions from one convenient place – your WordPress dashboard. See payments, track cash flow into your bank account, manage refunds, and stay on top of disputes without the hassle of having to log into a separate payment processor. **Manage transactions from the comfort of your store** Features previously only available on your payment provider’s website are now part of your store’s **integrated payments dashboard**. This enables you to: - View the details of [payments, refunds, and other transactions](https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/payments/#section-4). - View and respond to [disputes and chargebacks](https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/payments/disputes/). - [Track deposits](https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/payments/#section-5) into your bank account or debit card. **Pay as you go** WooCommerce Payments is **free to install**, with **no setup fees or monthly fees**. Pay-as-you-go fees start at 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction for U.S.-issued cards. [Read more about transaction fees](https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/payments/faq/fees/). **Supported by the WooCommerce team** Our global support team is available to answer questions you may have about WooCommerce Payments installation, setup, or use. For assistance, [open a ticket on WooCommerce.com](https://woocommerce.com/my-account/create-a-ticket/?select=5278104). == Getting Started == = Requirements = * United States-based business. * WordPress 5.3 or newer. * WooCommerce 4.0 or newer. * PHP version 7.0 or newer. PHP 7.2 or newer is recommended. = Try it now = To try WooCommerce Payments on your store, simply [install it](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-payments/#installation) and follow the prompts. WooCommerce Payments has experimental support for the Checkout block from [WooCommerce Blocks](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woo-gutenberg-products-block/). Please check the [FAQ section](#faq) for more information. == Installation == Install and activate the WooCommerce and WooCommerce Payments plugins, if you haven't already done so, then go to "Payments" in the WordPress admin menu and follow the instructions there. == Frequently Asked Questions == = What countries and currencies are supported? = If you are an individual or business based in the United States, you can sign-up with WooCommerce Payments. After completing sign up, you can accept payments from customers anywhere in the world. We are actively planning to expand into additional countries based on your interest. Let us know where you would like to [see WooCommerce Payments launch next](https://woocommerce.com/payments/#request-invite). [Learn more](https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/payments/countries/). = Why is a WordPress.com account and connection required? = WooCommerce Payments uses the WordPress.com connection to authenticate each request, connecting your store with our payments partner. = How do I set up a store for a client? = If you are setting up a store that will process real payments, have the site owner complete the WooCommerce Payments setup. This ensures that the correct business details are set on the account during [onboarding](https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/payments/#section-3). After the store setup has been completed, you can use [Test Mode](https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/payments/testing/) to simulate payments, refunds, and disputes. If you are setting up WooCommerce Payments on a development or test site that will **never need to process real payments**, try [Dev Mode](https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/payments/testing/dev-mode/#section-1). = How is WooCommerce Payments related to Stripe? = WooCommerce Payments is proudly powered by [Stripe](https://stripe.com/). When you sign up for WooCommerce Payments, your personal and business information is verified with Stripe and stored in an account connected to the WooCommerce Payments service. This account is then used in the background for managing your business account information and activity via WooCommerce Payments. [Learn more](https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/payments/powered-by-stripe/). = Are there Terms of Service and data usage policies? = You can read our Terms of Service [here](https://en.wordpress.com/tos). = How does the Checkout block work? = You need the [WooCommerce Blocks](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woo-gutenberg-products-block/) plugin to be installed and active to use the Checkout block. Once you add the block to a page, WooCommerce Payments will automatically appear as an option. Please note that our support for the checkout block is still experimental and the following features of the gateway will probably not work: * Using saved cards and saving cards. * Integration with WooCommerce Subscriptions. == Screenshots == 1. View Transactions 2. View Transaction Details 3. Track Deposits 4. Manage Disputes == Changelog == = 1.9.2 - 2021-02-05 = * Fix - Checkout and cart blocks aren't usable in editor when WooCommerce Payments is enabled. * Fix - Missing global config error in Checkout block integration, and incompatibility with latest block API. = 1.9.1 - 2021-02-03 = * Fix - Incompatibility with WC Subscriptions. * Fix - Missing order causing broken transactions list. = 1.9.0 - 2021-02-02 = * Add - Improved fraud prevention. * Add - New setting to manage whether to enable saving cards during checkout. (Defaults to being enabled). * Fix - Fixed issue where an empty alert would appear when trying to refund an authorization charge. * Update - Link customer name on transaction detail page to filtered transaction list page. * Fix - Fix error which could occur when a 100% off coupon was applied during checkout. * Update - Test mode notice width is now consistent across all pages. * Add - New notification to urge setting SSL for checkout pages if store doesn't use HTTPS * Fix - Fixed connection timeout configuration. * Fix - Specify error code when refund fails in admin to prevent blank alert. * Fix - Add fees as line items sent to Stripe to prevent Level 3 errors. * Fix - Currency format in non-USD order note when capturing, refunding, and processing subscription renewal. * Update - Link customer name from transaction list page to WooCommerce's Customers page filtered by the customer's name. = 1.8.0 - 2020-12-16 = * Add - Include information about failing payment into order notes. * Fix - Fix crash when a user has 10 or more saved credit cards. * Fix - Fix crash if there's a problem connecting to the server. * Fix - Store Stripe customer for test and live mode. * Fix - Display Payments menu in the sidebar if there's a problem connecting to the server. * Add - Display fee structure in transaction timelines. * Add - Use site username for recording ToS acceptance. * Update - Display transaction tables with full width. * Add - Action hooks before and after webhook delivery. = 1.7.1 - 2020-12-03 = * Fix - Pass ISO strings instead of Moment objects to dateI18n. = 1.7.0 - 2020-11-17 = * Fix - Fix ordering of payment detail timeline events. * Fix - Payment form hides when saved card is selected. * Fix - Render dispute evidence file upload errors. * Fix - Increase timeout for calls to the API server. * Fix - Correctly display the fee and net amounts for a charge with an inquiry. * Fix - Catch unhandled exceptions when cancelling a payment authorization. * Add - Security.md with security and vulnerability reporting guidelines. * Add - Introduced "Set up refund policy" notification in WooCommerce inbox. * Fix - Fix error when retrying to save a card in the Add Payment Method screen after failing SCA authentication. * Add - Allow signing up for a subscription with free trial with a credit card that requires SCA authentication. * Add - Remote note service. * Add - Show details about the current fees in the Settings screen. = 1.6.0 - 2020-10-15 = * Fix - Trimming the whitespace when updating the bank statement descriptor. * Add - Initial support for the checkout block. * Add - Support wp_get_environment_type() and enable dev-mode when environment is 'development' or 'staging'. * Update - Introduced payments-specific exceptions instead of generic one. * Update - Transaction timeline: enabled timestamps rendering for all entries. = 1.5.0 - 2020-09-24 = * Fix - Save payment method checkbox for Subscriptions customer-initiated payment method updates. * Fix - Support checkout on Internet Explorer 11. * Fix - Webhook processing with no Jetpack plugin installed. * Fix - Do not block the checkout card field from loading when customer meta is invalid or related to an old account. * Fix - Saving account statement descriptor with an ampersand character. * Fix - Do not attempt to render the payment timeline if the intention ID is missing. * Add - Display payment method details on account subscriptions pages. * Add - Redact sensitive data before logging. * Add - Support for WooCommerce Subscriptions admin-initiated payment method changes. * Add - Link to Subscription admin pages from Transactions views. * Add - Support for Subscriptions in transaction search. = 1.4.1 - 2020-09-07 = * Fix - Only redirect to the onboarding screen if the plugin has been individually activated using the plugins page. = 1.4.0 - 2020-09-02 = * Add - Initial support for WooCommerce Subscriptions: Signing up for subscriptions, scheduled payments, and customer-initiated payment method changes. * Add - Added a link to transaction details from order screens. * Add - Allow merchant to edit statement descriptor. * Fix - Do not redirect to the onboarding page after completing the WC4.5-beta wizard. * Fix - Save order metadata before the payment is completed to avoid missing payments. * Update - Bumped the minimum Jetpack requirement to version 8.2. = 1.3.0 - 2020-08-17 = * Add - Support for saved cards. * Add - Search bar for transactions. * Fix - Redirect to WC core onboarding instead of WC Payments onboarding when appropriate. * Fix - Creating an account during checkout with 3DS cards. * Fix - Missing payment statuses for certain disputes. * Fix - Missing translators comments. = 1.2.0 - 2020-07-20 = * Add - 3DS support when using the pay for order page * Add - Display confirmation dialog when enabling manual captures * Add - Update the order when an authorised payment has expired * Add - Timeline view in transactions detail, requires WooCommerce 4.4 * Add - Tracking for basic user action events * Fix - Admin UI styling tweaks = 1.1.0 - 2020-06-16 = * Add - Allow WooCommerce Payments set up without Jetpack plugin * Fix - Orders missing after payment processing error * Fix - Clearing pagination when selecting transactions advanced filters * Fix - After onboarding, redirect to the WCPay task of the task list, instead of to the task list = 1.0.1 - 2020-06-01 = * Add - Support 3D Secure verification * Add - Transaction date and type filters to transactions list * Update - Redirect to the "Connect" page on plugin activation or when trying to navigate to the settings screen * Fix - Add deposit delay notice to deposit schedule * Fix - Avoid localizing deposit date or displaying time-of-day precision * Fix - Display dispute currency code in dispute info = 1.0.0 - 2020-05-19 = * Add - Level 3 data to payment requests * Update - Expose public method for checking connection status * Fix - Pending requirements state for improved messaging * Fix - Dispute details typo * Remove - Unused POST /charges endpoint * Remove - "Beta" messaging = 0.9.2 - 2020-05-14 = * Add - Customer ID to payment intent * Update - Register and enqueue js.stripe.com on WCPay admin pages * Update - Override needs_setup to redirect from Payments settings * Update - Copy and image on Connect Account screen * Add - Add deposits overview component * Add - URL to pass for prefilling OAuth form * Add - Test card details in Checkout * Add - Task list redirect upon return from OAuth flow * Add - Handling for failed refund and other webhooks * Add - Transaction list sorting * Update - Disable gateway when payments are disabled on the account * Update - Make table rows clickable * Add - Prompt before navigating away from unsaved dispute evidence changes * Update - Labels to sentence case * Update - Automated testing * Add - Metadata when creating payment intent * Update - PHP versions supported = 0.9.1 - 2020-04-09 = * Fix - Add logging for OAuth initialization failures = 0.9.0 - 2020-04-08 = * Release for Public Beta = 0.8.2 - 2020-03-10 = * Add - Dispute file evidence upload support * Add - Basic support for Pay for Order * Fix - Styling improvements in wp-admin * Fix - Undefined variable PHP notice in cancel_authorization * Fix - Remove unused variable in authentication * Fix - Improve Jetpack connection checking = 0.8.1 - 2020-02-25 = * Update link to test card documentation = 0.8.0 - 2020-02-24 = * First beta release = 0.7.0 - 2020-02-05 = * Alpha release