*** WooCommerce Payments Changelog *** = 1.9.2 - 2021-02-05 = * Fix - Checkout and cart blocks aren't usable in editor when WooCommerce Payments is enabled. * Fix - Missing global config error in Checkout block integration, and incompatibility with latest block API. = 1.9.1 - 2021-02-03 = * Fix - Incompatibility with WC Subscriptions. * Fix - Missing order causing broken transactions list. = 1.9.0 - 2021-02-02 = * Add - Improved fraud prevention. * Add - New setting to manage whether to enable saving cards during checkout. (Defaults to being enabled). * Fix - Fixed issue where an empty alert would appear when trying to refund an authorization charge. * Update - Link customer name on transaction detail page to filtered transaction list page. * Update - Test mode notice width is now consistent across all pages. * Fix - Fix error which could occur when a 100% off coupon was applied during checkout. * Add - New notification to urge setting SSL for checkout pages if store doesn't use HTTPS * Fix - Fixed connection timeout configuration. * Fix - Specify error code when refund fails in admin to prevent blank alert. * Fix - Add fees as line items sent to Stripe to prevent Level 3 errors. * Fix - Currency format in non-USD order note when capturing, refunding, and processing subscription renewal. * Update - Link customer name from transaction list page to WooCommerce's Customers page filtered by the customer's name. = 1.8.0 - 2020-12-16 = * Add - Include information about failing payment into order notes. * Fix - Fix crash when a user has 10 or more saved credit cards. * Fix - Fix crash if there's a problem connecting to the server. * Fix - Store Stripe customer for test and live mode. * Fix - Display Payments menu in the sidebar if there's a problem connecting to the server. * Add - Display fee structure in transaction timelines. * Add - Use site username for recording ToS acceptance. * Update - Display transaction tables with full width. * Add - Action hooks before and after webhook delivery. = 1.7.1 - 2020-12-03 = * Fix - Pass ISO strings instead of Moment objects to dateI18n. = 1.7.0 - 2020-11-17 = * Fix - Fix ordering of payment detail timeline events. * Fix - Payment form hides when saved card is selected. * Fix - Render dispute evidence file upload errors. * Fix - Increase timeout for calls to the API server. * Fix - Correctly display the fee and net amounts for a charge with an inquiry. * Fix - Catch unhandled exceptions when cancelling a payment authorization. * Add - Security.md with security and vulnerability reporting guidelines. * Add - Introduced "Set up refund policy" notification in WooCommerce inbox. * Fix - Fix error when retrying to save a card in the Add Payment Method screen after failing SCA authentication. * Add - Allow signing up for a subscription with free trial with a credit card that requires SCA authentication. * Add - Remote note service. * Add - Show details about the current fees in the Settings screen. = 1.6.0 - 2020-10-15 = * Fix - Trimming the whitespace when updating the bank statement descriptor. * Add - Initial support for the checkout block. * Add - Support wp_get_environment_type() and enable dev-mode when environment is 'development' or 'staging'. * Update - Introduced payments-specific exceptions instead of generic one. * Update - Transaction timeline: enabled timestamps rendering for all entries. = 1.5.0 - 2020-09-24 = * Fix - Save payment method checkbox for Subscriptions customer-initiated payment method updates. * Fix - Support checkout on Internet Explorer 11. * Fix - Webhook processing with no Jetpack plugin installed. * Fix - Do not block the checkout card field from loading when customer meta is invalid or related to an old account. * Fix - Saving account statement descriptor with an ampersand character. * Fix - Do not attempt to render the payment timeline if the intention ID is missing. * Add - Display payment method details on account subscriptions pages. * Add - Redact sensitive data before logging. * Add - Support for WooCommerce Subscriptions admin-initiated payment method changes. * Add - Link to Subscription admin pages from Transactions views. * Add - Support for Subscriptions in transaction search. = 1.4.1 - 2020-09-07 = * Fix - Only redirect to the onboarding screen if the plugin has been individually activated using the plugins page. = 1.4.0 - 2020-09-02 = * Add - Initial support for WooCommerce Subscriptions: Signing up for subscriptions, scheduled payments, and customer-initiated payment method changes. * Add - Added a link to transaction details from order screens. * Add - Allow merchant to edit statement descriptor. * Fix - Do not redirect to the onboarding page after completing the WC4.5-beta wizard. * Fix - Save order metadata before the payment is completed to avoid missing payments. * Update - Bumped the minimum Jetpack requirement to version 8.2. = 1.3.0 - 2020-08-17 = * Add - Support for saved cards. * Add - Search bar for transactions. * Fix - Redirect to WC core onboarding instead of WC Payments onboarding when appropriate. * Fix - Creating an account during checkout with 3DS cards. * Fix - Missing payment statuses for certain disputes. * Fix - Missing translators comments. = 1.2.0 - 2020-07-20 = * Add - 3DS support when using the pay for order page * Add - Display confirmation dialog when enabling manual captures * Add - Update the order when an authorised payment has expired * Add - Timeline view in transactions detail, requires WooCommerce 4.4 * Add - Tracking for basic user action events * Fix - Admin UI styling tweaks = 1.1.0 - 2020-06-16 = * Add - Allow WooCommerce Payments set up without Jetpack plugin * Fix - Orders missing after payment processing error * Fix - Clearing pagination when selecting transactions advanced filters * Fix - After onboarding, redirect to the WCPay task of the task list, instead of to the task list = 1.0.1 - 2020-06-01 = * Add - Support 3D Secure verification * Add - Transaction date and type filters to transactions list * Update - Redirect to the "Connect" page on plugin activation or when trying to navigate to the settings screen * Fix - Add deposit delay notice to deposit schedule * Fix - Avoid localizing deposit date or displaying time-of-day precision * Fix - Display dispute currency code in dispute info = 1.0.0 - 2020-05-19 = * Add - Level 3 data to payment requests * Update - Expose public method for checking connection status * Fix - Pending requirements state for improved messaging * Fix - Dispute details typo * Remove - Unused POST /charges endpoint * Remove - "Beta" messaging = 0.9.2 - 2020-05-14 = * Add - Customer ID to payment intent * Update - Register and enqueue js.stripe.com on WCPay admin pages * Update - Override needs_setup to redirect from Payments settings * Update - Copy and image on Connect Account screen * Add - Add deposits overview component * Add - URL to pass for prefilling OAuth form * Add - Test card details in Checkout * Add - Task list redirect upon return from OAuth flow * Add - Handling for failed refund and other webhooks * Add - Transaction list sorting * Update - Disable gateway when payments are disabled on the account * Update - Make table rows clickable * Add - Prompt before navigating away from unsaved dispute evidence changes * Update - Labels to sentence case * Update - Automated testing * Add - Metadata when creating payment intent * Update - PHP versions supported = 0.9.1 - 2020-04-09 = * Fix - Add logging for OAuth initialization failures = 0.9.0 - 2020-04-08 = * Release for Public Beta = 0.8.2 - 2020-03-10 = * Add - Dispute file evidence upload support * Add - Basic support for Pay for Order * Fix - Styling improvements in wp-admin * Fix - Undefined variable PHP notice in cancel_authorization * Fix - Remove unused variable in authentication * Fix - Improve Jetpack connection checking = 0.8.1 - 2020-02-25 = * Update link to test card documentation = 0.8.0 - 2020-02-24 = * First beta release = 0.7.0 - 2020-02-05 = * Alpha release