== Changelog == = 2.5 = * interface reskin * fix for fatal error on disabled WoooCommerce admin = 2.4.7 = * fix cart items with no price on product * fix admin note issue on login = 2.4.6 = * fix for errors on installs with RTL Site Languages * adds GDPR fields for GDPR enabled audiences * locale settings from WooCommerce or WP are now auto-selected * support for notices in the wc-admin inbox * moves Mailchimp plugin link to bottom of Woocommerce sub navigation = 2.4.5 = * fixed disconnect/reconnect list issue * fixed rest api doing it wrong alert = 2.4.4 = * add filter for managing woocommerce plugins = 2.4.3 = * WooCommerce Version 4.3 tested * adds Mailchimp support form * moves navigation to WooCommerce nav as a sub-item * removes bubble h1 title element * log tab ui enhancements * next button for setup wizard moved to bottom of page * required field ui enhancement * adds a banner for setup completion in Wordpress * overview tab ui enhancements * audience settings tab ux improvements * fix for cart non-numeric error * fix for woocommerce setup wizard redirect * fix for abandoned cart on product variations * fix for invalid session object * adds customer filter for on-hold orders * fix cart posts with product variations = 2.4.2 = * WooCommerce Version 4.3 tested * adds Mailchimp support form * moves navigation to WooCommerce nav as a sub-item * removes bubble h1 title element * log tab ui enhancements * next button for setup wizard moved to bottom of page * required field ui enhancement * adds a banner for setup completion in Wordpress * overview tab ui enhancements * audience settings tab ux improvements * fix for cart non-numeric error * fix for woocommerce setup wizard redirect * fix for abandoned cart on product variations * fix for invalid session object * adds customer filter for on-hold orders = 2.4.1 = * adds scrolling frame for logs * fix for Coupon Deletion via WooCommerce API * removes all non-Mailchimp notices * update for latest version of Action Scheduler v3.1.4 * documentation updates * fix for errors on activation following deactivation * fix for PHP notice on Woocommerce Import Tax rate page * adds error handling on store add/update * use denormalized order items values in initial sync * adds function allowing tags for specific users * adds include/exclude Mailchimp script * fix for double opt-in issues on saved settings * fixes transactionals on guest checkout = 2.4.0 = * update for latest Action Scheduler v3.1.4 * adds customer language on Cart and Order sync * adds batch processing for queues * support for Brazilian Portuguese pt_BR Language = 2.3.6 = * fix for Audience Defaults and Settings not visible * improved campaign tracking on external payment gateways and API endpoints * fix for transactionals being subscribed after force resync = 2.3.5 - = * updates to Action Scheduler * create new audience option * fixes small oauth screen layout * number format on sync stats * update readme description = 2.3.4 = * updates to Action Scheduler = 2.3.3 = * fixes abandoned cart issues with Paypal * resolves Action Scheduler 3.0 compatiblity issues * Fixes missing product images = 2.3.2 = * update to action scheduler v3.0.1 * adds low-bandwidth setting on sync * fixes audience defaults settings to Mailchimp not passed * tweaks to review banner behavior * required fields API update * fix for orders with deleted products * support for orders with 0 line items = 2.3.1 = * adds fallback for mb_strpos if extension is not installed * implements communications box on sync page * adds account create for Mailchimp * fixes Pending Payment and On-hold status orders passed to Mailchimp * fixes for WooCommerce Fatal-errors * support for WooCommerce vendor feature * support for Shop Manager role by Woocommerce * update to Text Domain for wp translation * adds banner to review plugin after audience is synced * support for user language based on wp get_locale() at order placement = 2.3 = * adds action scheduler queue system * documentation for Custom Merge Tags * adds more specific installation requirements * fixes PHP Error in class-mailchimp-order.php * fixes pop up blocks on connection * fixes unable to sync without accepting to auto subscribe existing customers * documentation for wp-cli class queue-command = 2.2 = * plugin reskin * support for oauth to Mailchimp * fixes sync issues with altered order IDs * fixes issues with trashed coupons = 2.1.17 = * re add resync button to sync tab, after sync finishes * renamed 'merge_vars' to 'merge_fields' as per new Mailchimp naming convention * fixes issues with cloudflare * honors woo currency settings * fix for failing custom coupon type = 2.1.16 = * support for HTML in opt-in checkbox * support for language translation * fixes abandoned_cart.error * support for audience tags * adds responsive checkboxes for newsletter settings * adds sanitizing function to order ids * copy change from List terminology to Audience = 2.1.15 = * adds optional feedback survey on deactivate * updates syncing engine to use REST API * fixes edited orders syncing old and new products into Mailchimp * adds support for remove_action = 2.1.14 = * Adds support for filter on newsletter field * fixes inactive log delete button * fixes Mailchimp option page flow and displays list defaults tab * fixes resource not found error on logs * fixes API Key Request errors * fixes transactional to pending double opt in issue * updated Variables passed to filter = 2.1.13 = * fixed spelling issues in plugin meta * changed submission sequence for products to use the PATCH endpoint when applicable * fallback on order submissions when products are not found in Mailchimp. = 2.1.12 = * adds error handling for blocked admin-ajax.php files * adds support for custom merge variables * removes global variable overwrite of REMOTE_ADDR * fixes signup form not adding customers to Mailchimp * support for rate limiting * PHP 7.0 requirement messaging * support for WooCommerce 3.5.0 * ignores amazon marketplace addresses * fixes cart entries never being removed = 2.1.11 = * fix double opt in sending on transactional customers = 2.1.10 = * skip product when no variant can be loaded * better validation for the view order url * Add Initial sync label on Sync Tab * Multisite Delete and deactivate improvements * Mailchimp Order Notification issues support for downloadable and virtual products * http worker lock improvement * Add documentation about Multisite setup * Add documentaiton for on-demand syncing = 2.1.9 = * Improved UI feedback when API key is invalid * Add documentation about product categories not being supported. * Fix order count and order total with guest accounts. = 2.1.8 = * GDPR compliance * changed css class on checkbox for registration issues * added translation for newsletter checkbox text * only show newsletter checkbox when plugin is fully configured * fixed various sign up form conflicts with newsletter registration button * added link to privacy policy * force javascript into footer for performance gains * fix logged in user abandoned cart tracking * WPML support * uninstall - reinstall clean ups = 2.1.7 = * fixed autoloader filepath for queue command = 2.1.6 = * moved to an autoloader for performance enhancement * flush database tables on un-installation to assist with stale records in the queue * turn on standard debugging by default to help troubleshoot issues * moved the plugin button to the left main navigation * allow store owners to select the image size being used for products * fix paypal new order bug where it did not send on initial placement * add additional configuration success checks for the plugin being configured before pushing any jobs into the queue * fix the multisite network activation issue * hide the opt in checkbox for already logged in customers that were previously subscribed * miscellaneous UI enhancements = 2.1.5 = * is_configured filters applied before certain jobs were firing and failing. = 2.1.5 = * added support for Polish (zloty - zł) and Moldovan Leu currencies * update currency code for Belarusian Rouble * queue performance enhancement = 2.1.4 = * updated wordpress compatibility * updated sync details tab to show more informative stats * queue job processing performance enhancement * added an integrity check for queued jobs that were not getting processed = 2.1.3 = * Fix subscriber status for repeat transactional customers to stay transactional. * Remove shipping and billing address requirements for order submission. * Do not unsubscribe someone who has previously subscribed when unchecking the newsletter sign up box. * Update newsletter checkbox style to be consistent with WooCommerce styles. * Make sure WooCommerce plugin is running before running any plugin code. * Fix compatibility issue with WP-Cron = 2.1.2 = * Fix store deletion on plugin deactivation * Correct shipping name is now used on order notifications. * Admin orders are now handled appropriately. * Skip incomplete or cancelled orders from being submitted when new. * fix hidden or inactive products from being recommended. = 2.1.1 = * To address performance issues previously reported, we've changed the action hook of "woocommerce_cart_updated" to use a filter "woocommerce_update_cart_action_cart_updated" = 2.1.0 = * Added Promo Code support. = 2.0.2 = * Added new logs feature to help troubleshoot isolated sync and data feed issues. * Fixed bug with setting customers as Transactional during checkout if they had already opted in previously. * Fixed bug where abandoned cart automation still fired after a customer completed an order. = 2.0.1 = * Added support for "Connected Site" scripts. * Made physical address a required field for store setup. * Fixed order, cart timestamps to begin using UTC. = 2.0 = * Support WooComerce 3.0 * Support for manually uploaded WooCommerce * Fix for sync issues * Fix for guest orders sync issue * Remove Mailchimp debug logger = 1.1.1 = * Support for site url changes * Fix for WP Version 4.4 compatibility issues = 1.1.0 = * Fix for persisting opt-in status * Pass order URLs to Mailchimp * Pass partial refund status to Mailchimp = 1.0.9 = * billing and shipping address support for orders = 1.0.8 = * add landing_site, financial status and discount information for orders * fix to support php 5.3 = 1.0.7 = * add options to move, hide and change defaults for opt-in checkbox * add ability to re-sync and display connection details * support for subscriptions without orders * additional small fixes and some internal logging removal = 1.0.6 = * fixed conflict with the plugin updater where the class could not be loaded correctly. * fixed error validation for store name. * fixed cross device abandoned cart url's = 1.0.4 = * fix for Abandoned Carts without cookies = 1.0.3 = * fixed cart posts on dollar amounts greater than 1000 = 1.0.2 = * title correction for Product Variants * added installation checks for WooCommerce and phone contact info * support for free orders = 1.0 = * added is_synicng flag to prevent sends during backfill * fix for conflicts with Gravity Forms Pro and installation issues * skip all Amazon orders * allow users to set opt-in for pre-existing customers during first sync * add Plugin Updater = 0.1.22 = * flag quantity as 1 if the product does not manage inventory = 0.1.21 = * php version check to display warnings < 5.5 = 0.1.19 = * fix campaign tracking on new orders = 0.1.18 = * check woocommerce dependency before activating the plugin = 0.1.17 = * fix php version syntax errors for array's = 0.1.16 = * fix namespace conflicts * fix free order 0.00 issue * fix product variant naming issue = 0.1.15 = * adding special Mailchimp header to requests = 0.1.14 = * removing jquery dependencies = 0.1.13 = * fixing a number format issue on total_spent = 0.1.12 = * skipping orders placed through amazon due to seller agreements = 0.1.11 = * removed an extra debug log that was not needed = 0.1.10 = * altered debug logging and fixed store settings validation requirements = 0.1.9 = * using fallback to stream context during failed patch requests = 0.1.8 = * fixing http request header for larger patch requests = 0.1.7 = * fixing various bugs with the sync and product issues. = 0.1.2 = * fixed admin order update hook.